Verb: mash
Pronunciation: (mash)
Mash meaning:
- To compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition. Synonyms: crush, squash, squeeze, squelch, wring
- Talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions. Synonyms: butterfly, chat up, coquette, daily, flirt, philander, romance
- Reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading. Synonyms: bray, comminute, crunch, grind

Noun: mash
Mash meaning:
- A mixture of mashed malt grains and hot water used in brewing
- Mixture of ground animal feeds
- Potato that has been peeled and boiled and then mashed
Quotations: Frank Muir – Some breakfast food manufacturer hit upon the simple notion of emptying out the leavings of carthorse nose bags, adding a few other things like unconsumed portions of chicken layer’s mash, and the sweepings of racing stables, packing the mixture in little bags and selling them in health food shops.
Mitch Hedberg – My friend said to me, You know what I like? Mashed potatoes. I was like, Dude, you have to give me time to guess. If you’re going to quiz me you have to insert a pause.
Jeff Burton – In all honesty, it’s a matter of me not messing up. Today had nothing to do with me. The only impact I had on the day was to be a warm-blooded person who could turn the thing on and mash the gas.
Colin Baker – I do adore food. If I have any vice it’s eating. If I was told I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, I could put up with sausage and mash forever.
Kelly Fykes – Learning a new language is so exciting. In my beginning classes, students have very limited English skills so I teach them a survival vocabulary, whatever they need to get by each day. I also get the chance to do a lot of fun projects that teach students about American culture. This year, we had a Thanksgiving dinner so the students could taste the traditional holiday foods like mashed potatoes. They didn’t like them but at least they tried them.
Sample sentences:
- That’s part of trying to do a comprehensive plan, how do you mash all that together in some way where we’re not just deciding things one corridor or one intersection at a time.
- What I’m doing here is seeking to offer protection from life, solely through the means of potato, butter and cream. There are times when only mashed potato will do.
- He slid down and mashed into engine hash the little engine that almost could.
- We’re going to mash them boys. We’ve got too many weapons.
- Clearly as the flexibility and potential of mashing up and recombining application components gets closer to someone who understands the user’s needs, the value to that user increases.
- That’s as wide open as I can mash it. All in all a great effort and hopefully we will be as good in the race.
- This and ethanol will help make the U.S. energy-independent. We’re also interested in co-locating with ethanol plants, because we could use the wet mash to make fuel.
- Technology is something. They’re taking pictures of every angle of my head, then they use the computers to mash the pictures together.
- Everything went smoothly. I just mashed the pedal and took off for a very fast ride. It’s nice to be on top of the speed charts, but I’d rather be at the top in another month.
- This is an intersection in the Web of where Web documents come in. Inside the Web document could be anything from a map to a piece of data, which then could get mashed up with something else which then could have an embed to a third thing.