Adjective: audacious
Pronunciation: (o’dey-shus)
Audacious meaning:
- Invulnerable to fear or intimidation. Synonyms: brave, dauntless, intrepid, fearless, hardy
- Unrestrained by convention or propriety. Synonyms: barefaced, bodacious, brassy, brazen, insolent, unashamed
- Disposed to venture or take risks. Synonyms: daring, venturesome,adventurous

Quotations: William Danforth – I am on a voyage of discovery. I search for those of you who will go on a great adventure.If you are one of those audacious few willing to dare and then to share, then come with me.
Erskine Bowles – Up until today, the North Carolina Research Campus has been an audacious idea on the part of David Murdock. Now it will lead to a more prosperous future.
Richard Doherty – It’s very audacious of them. It is bound to increase Apple’s market share. The whole blurring of the Mac and the PC is complete. It now raises the bar for manufacturers of not only notebooks, but the living room and desktop PCs.
Irwin Michael – It’s very choppy. Friday looked like it was the end of the world, Toronto was down a 150-odd points, and we’ve gained it all back today. The market continues to be very volatile, and it’s testing people. On balance, people are nervous, you don’t want to do anything terribly audacious.
Patrick Leahy – I am appalled at their audacious disregard for the health of the American people, It is time to put people first, and to stop letting the big polluters and the special interests write the rules and run the show over at EPA.
Sample sentences:
- I look forward to growing old and wise and audacious.
- It was quite audacious and highly inappropriate. What was he afraid of being asked?
- It’s been audacious to try to write a title like this,I’ve always done that. Always reach for more than you can.
- The only reason this plan looks reasonable is that it is scaled back from something that was fairly audacious.
- They say Shaun’s similar to Brett but, at the end of the day, they’re wicket-takers. I’d love to go, don’t get me wrong, but with Shaun there’s a bloke who bowls 150 km/h while swinging the ball, and gets audacious reverse-swing. Shaun bowled some of the fastest deliveries I’ve seen last Sunday.
- I feel a kind of reverence for the first books of young authors. There is so much aspiration in them, so much audacious hope and trembling fear, so much of the heart’s history, that all errors and shortcomings are for a while lost sight of in the amiable self assertion of youth.
- I was young and audacious. So I created a way to express my concerns outside of the establishment.
- The Task Force is working tirelessly to bring those responsible for this audacious crime to justice.
- In an atmosphere of liberty, artists and patrons are free to think the unthinkable and create the audacious; they are free to make both horrendous mistakes and glorious celebrations.
- I rejoice in my spine, as in the firm audacious staff of that flag which I fling half out to the world.