Monday , 31 March 2025

Awry meaning

Adjective: awry

Pronunciation: (u’rI)

Awry meaning:

  • Turned or twisted toward one side. Synonyms: askew, cockeyed, lopsided, wonky, skew-whiff
  • Not functioning properly. Synonyms: amiss, haywire, wrong, malfunctioning

awry meaning

Adverb: awry

Awry meaning:

  • Away from the correct or expected course.
  • Turned or twisted to one side.

Quotations: Mira Sorvino – The way that trafficking is stopped is just ordinary people become aware of it and they see something awry and then call in a tip, and until people can fathom that their next-door neighbour might have a slave in their house, they’re not going to see the signs and think to call the police.

William Shakespeare – Thus conscience does make cowards of us all. And thus the native hue of resolution is sick lied o’er with the pale cast of thought and enterprises of great pith and moment. With this regard their currents turn awry and lose the name of action.

Bernie Bickerstaff – We still lack the maturity that when you have control of the basketball game, you can’t let anybody take you out of it. We had a lead and things started to go awry. We lost our focus.

Roland Williams – You never can forget a guy that you went to the Super Bowl with. It’s sort of a connection you’ll always have. I wasn’t here when things went awry for Kurt in St. Louis. But my memories of him are nothing but positive ones. And I just wish him the best in Arizona.

Sam Braland – We noticed he wasn’t quite on top of his files like he had been in the past, but we didn’t think a lot of it. Of course, we sort of noticed a steady increase in that happening. When it really manifested itself big time was in January when things just really seemed awry in the county attorney’s office. It was odd ? petty much a reversal of the manner in which he performed his duties in the past.

Sample sentences:

  1. The best plans of men and mice often go awry.
  2. It is no use to blame the looking glass if your face is awry.
  3. Part of the issue on Capitol Hill is incredulity. People don’t believe the law can be going this far awry.
  4. You have brands that take opportunities to put content and ad messages in the hands of consumers, and sometimes it goes awry.
  5. All our plans went awry and that was very disappointing, but New Zealand bowled very well.
  6. When business executives are making the artistic decisions and don’t understand animation, things can go awry.
  7. Venus has a lot of lessons to teach the Earth about how things could go awry.
  8. We are still waiting for Sachin to put everything together. He is striking the ball well, but has had something go awry on many of the holes.
  9. Perhaps we’ve been a bit serious about our history in the past, a bit pious. I think maybe we focused before on the gloomier sides of our history, the entanglements that didn’t work, the land wars and the things that went awry.
  10. The population has grown weary of a transitional government that is more concerned with personal enrichment than lifting them out of misery, and they are counting on the ballot box to improve their lot. If the elections go awry, they will turn once again to violence.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.