Tuesday , 1 April 2025

Rebuke meaning

Transitive verb: rebuke

Pronunciation: (ri’byook)

Rebuke meaning: 

  • Censure severely or angrily
  • to criticize sharply or scold someone very harshly
  • A winner rebukes and forgives; a loser is too timid to rebuke and too petty to forgive.
  • He who rebukes the world is rebuked by the world.
  • We say, sorrow, disaster, calamity. God says, chastening and it sounds sweet to him though it is a discord to our ears. Don’t faint when you are rebuked, and don’t despise the chastening of the Lord. In your patience possess your souls.
  • There is no question in my mind that were going to have to see a significant international response, and that will be one of rebuke of the government of Iran for its actions. And as I said last week, and as Secretary of State Rice has said during this week when she’s been traveling in the Middle East and Europe, a great variety of countries are going to have to consult about whether or not sanctions is the right way forward. The United States believes it is. There has to be a significant international diplomatic response to show the Iranian government that this is not a cost-free exercise.
  • You have rebuked our attempts to design a road that is safer for children and will calm traffic in front of the school.
  • Remembering is a necessary rebuke to those who say the Holocaust never happened or has been exaggerated.
  • O’Neal didn’t let the rebuke go unnoticed. He doesn’t need advice on how to play his position, but he needs advice on how to play team ball, if it’s going to be my team, I’ll voice my opinion. If he don’t like it, he can opt out.
  • Rebuke with soft words and hard arguments.
  • We tolerate without rebuke the vices with which we have grown familiar.
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    About Sai Prashanth

    IT professional. Love to write.