Tuesday , 1 April 2025

Camouflage meaning

Verb: camouflage

Pronunciation: (‘ka-mu,flaazh)

Camouflage meaning: It is an act of concealment by means of disguise or with paints or foliage. Exploit the natural surroundings to disguise something.

Origin: French ~ camoufler to disguise.

Synonyms: disguise, mask, guise, cover

camouflage meaning, perfect example for camouflage
Source- www.strangecosmos.com

Credit: www.list25.com

camouflage of peacock flounder_ camouflage meaning
Peacock Flounder shows its ability to change its pattern and colors to match its environment.









camouflage meaning and camouflage








Noun: camouflage

Camouflage meaning:

  • An outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something
  • The act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance
  • Stratagem for concealment or deceit
  • Fabric dyed with splotches of green and brown and black and tan; intended to make the wearer of a garment made of this fabric hard to distinguish from the background

Quotations : Robin Morgan –  Knowledge is power.Information is power.The secreting or hoarding of knowledge or information may be an act of tyranny camouflaged as humility.

Russell Lynes – Camouflage is a game we all like to play,but our secrets are as surely revealed by what we want to seem to be as by what we want to conceal.

Richard Williams – I don’t think things have changed. I just think they’re more camouflaged and covered up. If things had changed, when I was walking down those steps that guy wouldn’t have called me nigger.

Dianne Benson – They know, they just know where to grow, how to dupe you, and how to camouflage themselves among the perfectly respectable plants, they just know, and therefore, I’ve concluded weeds must have brains.

Michael Markarian – The Humane Society of the United States is very pleased that Mississippi lawmakers have taken this important step to stop an egregious trophy hunting practice that amounts to nothing more than pay-per-view slaughter. Responsible hunters know there’s no sport in shooting an animal remotely while lying in bed and wearing camouflage pajamas. We urge Governor Barbour to sign this bill into law now and snuff out this snuff film scenario.

Example sentences:

  1. His dazzling green dress camouflaged on the greenish heights.
  2. We have seen camouflaged animals in the zoo.
  3. This will shine a very bright light on an issue that has been camouflaged and buried for a long time. People put blinders on until it’s right under their nose.
  4. As much as they might like to be camouflaged at times, we don’t think they will be sufficiently camouflaged by the grass.
  5. He knew that he could manage when he came to New York, and he had this tremendous desire to succeed. His humor camouflaged this tremendous desire for success, glory and respect that he so desperately needed.
  6. He slept on a mattress in a wooded area. He cut down some large brush and camouflaged the area so well that it would be very difficult for somebody to stumble upon him.
  7. We almost have the wagon fixed. Our observers saw two men in camouflage walking away from the Republic of Texas property. We’re right now vigorously searching for these individuals.
  8. You can’t camouflage it. You hope in entertaining people that you obtain your goal. But they do know that there’s pressure. You don’t try to ignore the fact that there is pressure. You just understand that’s part of what you do.
  9. This is a part of the country and a state where it’s unusual if a child doesn’t grow up going out with dad and granddad to hunt deer, using a very powerful weapon. It’s unusual sometimes not to see kids out in a group that might be wearing camouflage.
  10. We have stalled in several different fashions. We just camouflage it a bit. A lot of times, we look like we are about to go, and we are not trying to go.
  11. They came with one search warrant. They wanted to acquire any hair, any kind of camouflage clothing, stains on this, that and the other.
  12. You can’t camouflage a seventy five foot elephant in a residential area. This issue affects every residential area in Omaha. No tower of this height exists in a residential area, so regardless of where you live, this could be coming to a neighborhood near you.
  13. The drugs come mainly from Brazil, but what you notice is that the owners are Colombian. It comes to Dakar to camouflage its tracks: a few days or perhaps a week.
  14. I advise people to wear blaze orange hunting clothing, not orange camouflage. Blaze orange will save your life.
  15. This will feature a number of additions, including more camouflage and face paint options, and a controllable camera angle.
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