Tuesday , 22 October 2024

Collection of valentine’s day poems for him and her

Happy Valentine’s day friends.I have gathered these Valentines poems so that you could readily use them to greet your loved one on Valentine’s day 2015. If you like them and find them useful, share this with your friends and family.Bookmark this page, so that you could quickly refer when required.

Valentine’s day poems

Can I Be Your Valentine

Every day we act as though we are just good friends.
It is though we are seeing through a different lens.
But I wish we could be more.
Because crying makes me feel poor.
Poor of love, as though nobody loves me.
If you look it isn’t that hard to see.

Can’t we be more than just good friends?
Can’t we look through the same lens?
Can you picture us together?
Can I be the certain her?
The her you’re always talking about.
The one you say you can’t live without.

I know what I ask is a little much.
I just want us to be able to touch.
Hold each other and never let go.
But if I ask will the answer be no?
Either way I have to take a chance.
May our hearts have one dance?

Source: Family Friend Poems

Be my Valentine

Be my Valentine, for I
Each day have thought of you.
My whole life couldn’t manage what
Your ready smile can do,
Vanquishing my loneliness
As though all light were new.
Let me be your Valentine
Even as you’re mine,
Needing what I have to give
That each might each define
In friendship and in harmony,
Now you, now I the melody,
Each helping each to shine.

This Valentine’s I wish that you were with me

This Valentine’s I wish that you were with me.
It’s lonelier than most days I’m alone,
Even though we’ll manage on the phone
To touch with words the face we cannot see.
You away are far more dear to me
Than anyone who might remain at home.
My love is in the places that you roam,
Being with you where I cannot be.
We do not choose the objects of our passion,
But passively await the holy fire
That immolates our past and lights our fate,
Twisting through the alleys of desire.
So I am yours, and will contented wait,
Allowing love my life and will to fashion.

Getting married soon? This one is for you, then.Wish your better half on this valentines day.

All my hope

Vested in your heart is all my hope,
As I must hope that yours is all in mine.
Love both narrows and expands our scope,
Extending each to each as we combine.
No boundaries of ourselves themselves remain.
Tides of need consume our shifting shore.
Innocent, we talk of loss or gain,
Not knowing quite what marriage has in store.
Each is now both everything and none.
Twixt the self and selflessness lies passion.
So may we be twain and also one,
Destined for a fate that love will fashion.
As we exchange our vows this day of love,
Yet may they all our years within us move.

I will always love you

I desire you when splinters of light appear
And the dew lazily joins morning sky.
When arias, pining birds to mates sing,
I want the soothing softness of your kiss.

I desire you when the sun centers the sky
And shadows hide beneath the soles of feet.
When butterflies dance among petals white,
I want the sparkle of your smiling eyes.

I desire you as the moon welcomes the night
And skies are flooded with twinkling bright stars.
When candles flicker their last silent breath,
I then want to feel your sensuous touch.

I desire you when passion swells all your soul
And your lovely face shines with radiance.
When your moist lips are full of love’s desire,
I want to feel every pulse of your heart.

I desire you when you are weary and down
And gray skies sprinkle droplets of sad tears.
When the world laughs at your every stumble,
I want to gently sooth your sorrows.

I desire you my love in every moment.
As time adds years like sands on the beach,
When you sense your beauty slipping to the wind,
I will want you so much more than now.

You’ve Touched My Heart

You’ve Touched My Heart
You’ve given me a reason
For smiling once again,
You’ve filled my life with peaceful dreams
and you’ve become my closest friend.

You’ve shared your heartfelt secrets
And your trust you’ve given me,
You showed me how to feel again
To laugh, and love, and see.

If life should end tomorrow
And from this world I should part,
I shall be forever young
For you have touched my heart.

A pompous love poem for Valentine’s day is on your way!

Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all:
What hast thou then more than thou hadst before?
No love, my love, that thou mayst true love call—
All mine was thine before thou hadst this more.
Then if for my love thou my love receivest,
I cannot blame thee for my love thou usest;
But yet be blamed if thou this self deceivest
By willful taste of what thyself refusest.
I do forgive thy robb’ry, gentle thief,
Although thou steal thee all my poverty;
And yet love knows it is a greater grief
To bear love’s wrong than hate’s known injury.
    Lascivious grace, in whom all ill well shows,
    Kill me with spites, yet we must not be foes. – William Shakespeare
I wish you were my Valentine
I wish you were my Valentine
Though I may not be yours,
And I may, in my ignorance,
Be speaking to closed doors.I have no inkling of your heart,
No hint what you might say;
But when I think of you the sun
Will just not go away.There is in you a loveliness
That makes my darkness shine,
And so I’ll wait, if wait I must,
To be your Valentine.
All I could say is that Valentine’s day is a wonderful way,to make “I Love You” easy to say.
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About Sai Prashanth

IT professional. Love to write.