Saturday , 27 July 2024

Visual Dictionary

Recent in Visual Dictionary

Sack meaning

Noun: sack Pronunciation: (sak) Sack meaning: A bag made of paper or plastic for holding a customer’s purchases Synonyms: poke, paper bag, carrier bag  An enclosed space Synonyms: pouch, sac, pocket  The quantity contained in …

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Fearless meaning

Meaning of fearless

Adjective: fearless Pronunciation:(feer-lus) Fearless meaning: Invulnerable to fear or intimidation Synonyms: audacious, brave, dauntless, hardy, intrepid, unfearing  Oblivious of dangers, perils or calmly resolute in facing them Synonyms: unafraid Quotations: Veronica Roth – Becoming fearless …

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Cask meaning

Meaning of cask

Noun: cask Pronunciation:(kãsk) Cask meaning: A cylindrical container that holds liquids Synonyms: barrel, keg The quantity a cask will hold Synonyms: caskful Quotations: Augustine of Hippo – There is Virgil, who is read by boys, …

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Asinine meaning


Adjective: asinine Pronunciation:(‘a-su,nIn) Asinine meaning: Showing a lack of intelligence or thought; stupid and silly Synonyms: fatuous, inane, gormless Quotations: Kim Harrison – It takes an incredibly strong person to walk away from someone they …

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Rase meaning

raze meaning

Verb: rase Pronunciation:  (reyz) Rase meaning: Destroy or tear down so as to make flat with the ground Synonyms: level, raze, dismantle, tear down, take down, pull down, flatten Quotations: William Shakespeare – The painful …

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Misdating meaning

anachronism meaning

Noun: misdating Pronunciation:  (mis’dey-ting) Misdating meaning: Something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred Synonyms: anachronism, mistiming Verb: misdate Pronunciation:(mis’deyt) Misdating meaning: Assign the wrong date to Quotations: Roger Diwan …

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Cheapskate meaning

tightwad meaning

Noun: cheapskate Pronunciation:  (‘cheep,skeyt) Cheapskate meaning: A miserly person Synonyms: tightwad Derived forms: cheapskates Quotations: Amy Dacyczyn – The dieter will fail as long as he hates low-calorie food. The would-be athlete will fail as long …

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Dissemble meaning


Verb: dissemble Pronunciation:  (di’sem-bul) Dissemble meaning: Make believe with the intent to deceive Synonyms: feign, sham, pretend, affect Hide under a false appearance Synonyms: cloak, mask Behave unnaturally or affectedly Synonyms: pretend, act Derived forms: …

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Pretence meaning


Noun: pretence Pronunciation:  (‘pree,ten(t)s or pri’ten(t)s) Pretence meaning: The act of giving a false appearance Synonyms: pretense, pretending, simulation, feigning Pretending with intention to deceive Synonyms: pretense, feigning, dissembling Imaginative intellectual play Synonyms: believe A …

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Pretend meaning


Verb: pretend Pronunciation:  (pri’tend) Pretend meaning: Make believe with the intent to deceive Synonyms: feign, sham, affect, dissemble Behave unnaturally or affectedly Synonyms: dissemble, act Put forward a claim and assert right or possession of …

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